Friday, April 8, 2011


Ok, my crazy training weekend (SoulCollage) is over and I have acclimated myself back into my regular rhythm and routine. So it's time to start posting about Standing Still.

I actually THOUGHT about Standing Still a couple of times during the Training I lead. And one time I actually did STOP and stand still, in the hallway of the retreat center, after breakfast on the first morning, and before the next session began.

Today on my walk with Suzy, I stopped and stood still several times. One time I closed my eyes and felt my body all the way down to my toes, grounding myself into the earth. Another time I stopped to connect with two bright red cardinals swooping around the phone wires over my head. And once I admired Suzy's strong golden body, gleaming in the sunshine. And then there were those amazing purple and white crocuses bursting open in someone's garden.

How blessed I feel, to take the time to stop and pay attention to what is happening around me, and most importantly INSIDE me.

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