Sunday, April 10, 2011

Animals Stand Still Naturally

My beloved Sasha girl really "gets" this Standing Still thing. I can take a lesson from her. Actually, she is more about sitting still, but you know what I mean! There is such a deep calm and stillness about her as she gazes into the distance. AND.. she can do it for hours at a time.

All cats seem to be gifted with this ability to slow way down and just BE with what IS. This is what I am aspiring too.

Even our lovable, ever-frenetic dog, Suzy, who seems to be in constant motion (or wishing she were in constant motion!) will sometimes stand dead still on one of our walks and just look around, until she is ready to move again.

The first few times it happened, I was thunderstruck. During her own Standing Still moments, she really does exactly that, stand still. Nothing else. She doesn't sniff at anything or nuzzle things on the ground, or nudge my hand for a pat.

I am leaving soon to walk Suzy and my intention is to Stand Still, to ground myself in my Center at least 3 times during this walk. And also, to Stand Still before and after each meal today. I will report back in tomorrow!

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