It was a Dancing with the Stars results show, and I was interested in the outcome, but not THAT interested! In fact, because we have a DVR, we usually don't watch a show in "live" time, but after the fact so we can fast forward through the commercials. So I'm not used to watching actual commercials anymore. Thank God/Goddess for the mute button!
I am pretty pleased with myself that I actually was able to DO it, because to tell the truth, I didn't think I COULD do it, and I did not especially WANT to do it. I am so used to multi-tasking. When I DON'T multi-task, it feels like I am wasting time. I'll have to look at that as another entry in here some day.
Also, last night, I did the same thing with Modern Family- only half an hour, and we skipped through the commercials. BUT... I just sat there, hands in my lap, and watched. It was lovely. I really do love that show and was able to really experience the full belly laughs that aren't quite as real or as potent when I am working on my computer at the same time.
So... that was my experiment in Single Tasking. Not exactly the same thing as Standing Still and anchoring myself back into the Present Moment. But definitely related! I will look for more opportunities for Single-Tasking today and see what comes up.
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