This is the Altar I've been creating. It is on top of my bookcase which is to the right of my desk.
It's been sitting there for a few months now but I haven't been "using" it. I've hardly even been LOOKING at it. So this weekend I cleaned it off and started over. Added the Quan Yin statue and the icon. Rearranged the prayers and intentions that I would like to be saying out loud on a daily basis.
My PLAN is to Stand Still in front of it at least 3 times a day, but right now I am lucky if I remember to do this first thing in the morning before I sit down at the computer! I did do it today, I am happy to report.
My idea is that this will slow me down during my days. Bring me back to my body and out of my head.
My Soul Vows are there, as well as the list of "Dead" that I have buried and my intention prayer that I made during Janet Conner's Lotus and the Lily class in December. Which, now that I think of it, is when my whole life began to slant in this new direction. For which I am extremely grately. Will write more about these Vows and "Dead" and Intention Prayers another time.
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